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Colombia Cauca Acec Organic
Colombia Cauca Acec Organic

Colombia Cauca Acec Organic

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  • FLAVOR: Dark Chocolate, Caramel, Purple Grapes 
  • BODY: Heavy
  • ACIDITY: Mild
  • PROCESS: Fully washed and dried in the sun
  • SOIL: Clay minerals / Volcanic loam

COLOMBIA FT-USA ORGANIC CAUCA ACEC EP is sourced from family owned farms organized around the Asociación de Caficultores Ecológicos del Cauca (ACEC), which has 262 members who live in the municipalities of Caldono, Cajibio, Piendamó, Morales, Popayán, El Tambo and Timbio  within the department of Cauca, Colombia. On average, each producer cultivates their coffee on 1.5 hectares of land.